
A (somewhat) simple implementation of the service locator pattern. The ServiceLocator knows about MonoBehaviours and how to work with them. Creating scene-specific resolvers that only live as long as their respective scene is also supported.


Whenever a singleton type is resolved the same instance is always returned.


You can also choose to defer the creation of a singleton instance until the instance is first looked up. You can do this by simply using the overloads with ‘Lazy’ in their name.


If you register a type as transient, a new instance of that type will be created each time it is resolved.

If you for some reason need to work with transient MonoBehaviours (Please tell me why, I’m honestly very curious), you should remember to destroy them yourself again when no longer used.

Scene-specific resolvers

Both singleton and transient resolvers can be set as scene-specific, so they only live as long as the scene they’re in. This works for both MonoBehaviours and regular objects.

Active scene as defined by Unity

Please note that when you load a new scene, the MonoBehaviours in that scene will have their Awake() method called before their scene becomes the active one. This means you can’t rely on SceneManager.GetActiveScene() to return the scene they’re in, so you might want to use GameObject.scene to specify which scene to register the resolver for.



To be done.



interface IStore
    bool Purchase(string sku);

class AppleIAP : IStore
    public bool Purchase(string sku)
        // buy the item using the App Store API

class GoogleIAP : IStore
    public bool Purchase(string sku)
        // buy the item using Google's In App Billing API

class NullStore : IStore
    public bool Purchase(string sku)
        // do nothing or maybe log the action for debugging purposes

// At game startup:
class Game
    void Initialize()
        ServiceLocator.RegisterSingleton<IStore, GoogleIAP>();
        ServiceLocator.RegisterSingleton<IStore, AppleIAP>();
        ServiceLocator.RegisterSingleton<IStore, NullStore>();

// An "Ad Removal" purchase button:
class BuyButton
    public void OnPressed()
        var success = ServiceLocator.Resolve<IStore>().Purchase("AdRemoval");
        if (success)
            AdManager.Enabled = false;



To be done.

Scene-specific singletons


To be done.